25 Fascinating Uses of Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil

Sweet marjoram is great for flavoring all sorts of foods, but the essential oil made from this herb is used medicinally. There is some confusion about herbs known as marjoram. The sweet marjoram essential all with so many incredible uses is made from the herb Origanum majorana. It is good for everything from pain relief to improved brain function and digestion. I am amazed at all of the fascinating uses of sweet marjoram essential oil. This oil belongs in everyone’s essential oil collection.

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1. Relieve Headaches

Mix sweet marjoram essential oil into a carrier oil at the rate of half essential oil to half carrier. Put a drop or 2 of the blend on your fingertips and gently massage it into your temples and/or forehead to get relief from tension headaches. Sweet marjoram oil aromatherapy is also great for this. Just add 2 drops to your diffuser and run it for 30 to 60 minutes. The fragrance is amazing. It has a sort of spicy yet lightly sweet aroma.

2. Relieve Arthritis Pain

Massage a half and half sweet marjoram EO/carrier oil blend into achy, arthritic joints. You will feel relief from the pain almost instantly. Aromatherapy can help with this, too. You only need 2 to 3 drops in your diffuser.Massage a half and half sweet marjoram EO/carrier oil blend into achy, arthritic joints. You will feel relief from the pain almost instantly. Aromatherapy can help with this, too. You only need 2 to 3 drops in your diffuser.

3. Reduce Inflammation

Rub the half and half sweet marjoram/carrier oil blend into any inflamed areas on your body. It will quickly reduce the inflammation and discomfort. For an even more effective blend, add 1 drop of chamomile and turmeric essential oil and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil. You can get relief with aromatherapy, too. This EO is incredibly effective when the vapors are inhaled.

*Get 100% pure sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana) essential oil for topical applications or aromatherapy.*

4. Improve Heart and Circulatory System Health

Practice sweet marjoram essential oil aromatherapy to improve your circulatory system and heart health. It is a natural vasodilator. All you need is 2 drops in your diffuser. Run it for 30 to 60 minutes and breathe deeply to experience this fascinating benefit.

5. Lower Blood Pressure

Put 2 drops of sweet marjoram EO into your diffuser and run it for 30 to 60 minutes to get your blood pressure down. For an even more effective aromatherapy blend, use 1 drop of sweet marjoram with 1 drop of frankincense and 1 drop of lavender. This blend is especially beneficial for lowering your blood pressure right before you go to bed.

*Use sweet marjoram essential oil with caution if you have low blood pressure.*

6. Soothe Sore Muscles

Massage sore muscles with a 50/50 sweet marjoram/carrier oil blend. You will be amazed at how quickly the soreness goes away. You can use any carrier oil. I personally prefer to use both coconut oil and argan oil mixed together as a carrier oil for sore muscles and achy joints. I use 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon or argan oil and 2 teaspoons of essential oil. They complement each other quite well. The coconut oil has a great viscosity for massage and argan absorbs quickly. You can also add 3 to 5 drops of sweet marjoram oil to an Epsom salt bath for a muscle-soothing soak. Use 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salts and soak for about 40 minutes.

7. Stop Spasms

Massage the 50/50 blend into areas with muscle spasms for fast relief. You can use it for leg muscles, abdominals or back muscles. Any carrier oil is fine.

8. Prevent Bacterial Infection

Gently apply the 50/50 blend to sores and wounds to prevent bacterial infection. Sweet marjoram essential oil has excellent anti-bacterial properties. Wash the wound with mild soap and dry it before applying the blend then cover the sore with a bandage.

9. Prevent Viral Infection

Rub the 50/50 blend into your hands to help prevent viral infections. Sweet marjoram has anti-viral properties. Diffusing it in your home or at your desk will also kill viruses on surfaces and in the air.

*Put a drop of sweet marjoram oil on your skin in an inconspicuous area and wait a few hours to test for sensitivity.*

10. Treat Fungal Infections

Use the half and half sweet marjoram EO blend to treat fungal infections on your skin. Yes, this amazing oil has fungicidal properties, too. Rub it into your feet to treat athlete’s foot or anywhere else you may be suffering from fungal disease. Diffuse it into the air to kill air-borne fungal spores.

11. Clear Mucus from Airways

Practice sweet marjoram essential oil aromatherapy to help clear mucus from your sinuses and bronchial airways. It is a natural expectorant. You can diffuse it for up to 60 minutes 3 to 4 times throughout the day to get relief. Drink plenty of water to help thin the mucus and make it easier to clear.

12. Promote Healing

Use the sweet marjoram EO 50/50 blend or practice aromatherapy to promote healing of any skin conditions. It has antiseptic properties that promote all-over healing.

*Consult with your physician before using sweet marjoram essential oil if you are undergoing treatment, especially for heart problems, bleeding disorders, asthma or diabetes.*

13. Improve Digestion

Practice sweet marjoram essential oil aromatherapy to improve digestion. It stimulates the digestive process naturally. You can also massage the 50/50 blend into your abdomen to encourage the production of digestive juices. It also enhances peristaltic or rhythmic movement of the intestines and digestive tract which keeps everything moving along. You can add a few drops of other oils like rosemary, too, for added benefits.

14. Prevent or Heal Stomach Ulcers

Use sweet marjoram EO to improve digestion and prevent or heal stomach ulcers. It enhances bile production so that stomach acids will be neutralized. This prevents the formation of ulcers and/or helps heal ulcers you may already have.

15. Get Relief from Constipation

Practice sweet marjoram aromatherapy or massage the 50/50 blend into your abdominal area to relieve constipation naturally. It stimulates the large intestine, encouraging relaxation and natural bowel movement.

16. Improve Brain Function

Run your diffuser with 2 to 3 drops of sweet marjoram essential oil to improve brain function. Simply inhaling the vapors helps keep your mind sharp, even with advancing age. It can help relieve symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

*Do not use sweet marjoram essential oil on infants and young children.*

17. Warm your Body

Practice sweet marjoram EO aromatherapy or use the 50/50 blend to warm your body. This is one of this oil’s most fascinating uses. It literally warms you up by reducing inflammation and increasing circulation. If you tend to have cold feet the hands, massage them with this oil. You will be amazed at the wonderful, warming sensation.

18. Sweat Out Toxins

Use sweet marjoram to increase perspiration. This will facilitate the release of toxins and help your body fight infection. Diffuse it or massage it into your body. This oil is sedative so you shouldn’t apply it right before you work out.

19. Reduce Water Weight (Edema)

Practice sweet marjoram aromatherapy or use the half and half carrier oil blend to help rid your body of excess water weight or edema. Sweet marjoram is a natural diuretic which facilitates the release of fluids from tissues and skin where it doesn’t belong. Your system will resorb the fluids and remove them from your body naturally through urination.

20. Encourage Healthy Menstrual Cycles

Use sweet marjoram essential oil to keep your menstrual cycles regular. It also reduces PMS symptoms and uncomfortable cramping. Simply put 2 to 3 drops in your diffuser and run it for 30 to 60 minutes or massage your abdomen with the 50/50 blend.

*Do not use sweet marjoram essential oil if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.*

21. Prevent Premature Menopause

Practice sweet marjoram aromatherapy to help prevent the early onset of menopause and reduce the symptoms of menopause. It naturally balances your hormones.

22. Control Sexual Urges

Run your diffuser for 30 to 60 minutes with 2 to 3 drops of sweet marjoram to help control an overactive libido and strong sexual urges.

23. Relieve Tension

Practice sweet marjoram essential oil aromatherapy to help relieve tension. You can also rub a few drops of the 50/50 blend into the back of your neck. Your tension will quickly drain away.


24. Improve your Mood

Put 2 to 3 drops of sweet marjoram oil into your diffuser and run it to lift your spirits, calm angry feelings and quell feeling of sadness. It has natural calming, sedative properties. You can also use the 50/50 blend as a massage oil to massage away your sadness or anger.

25. Protect your Nervous System

Practice sweet marjoram EO aromatherapy to help protect your nervous system in general, relieve nervous tension and calm anxiety. You can also use the 50/50 blend for this same benefit. Massage it into your shoulders and lower back to strengthen your nervous system and get relief from related issues.

Was this list helpful to you? I couldn’t believe how many amazing, natural benefits this delicious herb has to offer. There are so many fascinating uses for this incredible essential oil. Sweet marjoram essential oil has been proven to have these beneficial properties. I am always so glad to find natural remedies for health issues that so many of us struggle with today.

Please leave a comment to let me know if this list was helpful and tell me about your own personal experiences with sweet marjoram. We can all continue to add to the list of fascinating uses for sweet marjoram essential oil. Be sure to share, too, so that others can learn about this oil and add their experiences.


1 Dr. Axe: Sweet Marjoramhttps://draxe.com/marjoram-essential-oil/

2 Organic Facts: 23 Surprising Benefits of Marjoram Essential Oil​https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/essential-oils/health-benefits-of-marjoram-essential-oil.html

3 Experience Essential Oils: Marjoram Oil Soothes Muscles after Exercise​http://www.experience-essential-oils.com/marjoram-oil.html

4 Dr. Eric Z: 4 Surprising Curative Powers of Marjoram Oilhttp://drericz.com/4-surprising-curative-powers-of-marjoram-oil/