▷ Choosing the Best Laxative Tea (2025)

Choosing the Best Laxative Tea

By Sabrina Wilson / November 4, 2018
The Best Laxative Teas

Over the last hundred years or so we have seen some incredible advancements in technology – many of which have occurred within the agricultural area specifically. With this has come a huge change in the modern diet, typified for the most part by an increase in our consumption of highly processed foods.

While the implications of this on obesity, cardiovascular and metabolic health, and general wellbeing, have been discussed at great length, we rarely talk about the impact this has had on the digestive system.

And believe you me, there has been an impact.

This increased consumption of processed and packaged foods has caused a huge increase in gastrointestinal issues across the nation. This has come with an increased incidence of irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, and general digestive dysfunction.

Now not only are these declines in gut health unpleasant, there is an abundance of new research to suggest that the health of your gut can also influence all other aspects of health in a big way. This has come with evidence demonstrating associations between poor gut health and poor immune system function, depression and anxiety, accelerated cognitive decline, reduced cardiovascular health, and even an increased risk of diabetes.

So, in short, your gut is important.

Which brings us to the topic of today’s article – laxative teas.

This particular type of supplement has been taking the health industry by storm, suggested to improve gut health and enhance digestive function in a big way.

What are Laxative Teas?

Laxative teas are exactly what they sound like – herbal teas that exhibit a laxative like effect on the human body. With this in mind, these herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years to treat constipation and general bowel irritation, while also being suggested to enhance general health and function.

The main ingredient in most laxative teas is Senna Leaf.

Senna leaf is a specific herb that comes directly from the cassia senna plant. These unique plants are known to thrive in tropical areas of the world, growing comfortably in extremely humid environments.

Senna leaf has a slightly sweet flavour that also carries potent bitter undertones – and it is this unique combination that generally gives laxative teas their easily recognisable flavour.

In modern day, laxative teas have been suggested to offer an excellent way to improve upon certain digestive issues (such as constipation and bloating), reduce inflammation, enhance global gastrointestinal health, and even promote weight loss.

But do they really work?

What are the Benefits of Laxative Teas?

Given the broad health claims made by those within the health industry, we wanted to take an objective look at the research to determine where laxative teas offer their greatest benefits for health.

Do Laxative Teas Help Constipation?

Constipation is arguably the most common digestive issues on the planet – and unfortunately, it is also one of the most uncomfortable. With this in mind, if left unchecked it can lead to severe digestive discomfort, abdominal cramping, and even nausea.

Fortunately, the senna leaf found in most laxative teas has been shown to stimulate bowel movements in a big way, offering an excellent short-term treatment to constipation [1].

Do Laxative Teas Help Bloating?

Building on the above point a little further, as laxative teas have the potential to improve bowel movements acutely, they can also act as an effective treatment for abdominal bloating and associated gastrointestinal discomfort [2].

Do Laxative Teas Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Given their impact on both bloating and constipation, it has been suggested that laxative teas may also have the potential to improve upon IBS. Unfortunately, while laxative teas can help lessen the symptoms of IBS (such as bloating, cramping, and constipation) [2], they do not offer a cure.

This is because IBS is caused by increased sensitivity to certain foods – not an inability to move stool through the bowel.

Can Laxative Teas Enhance Weight Loss?

One of the most common suggestions around laxative teas is that they can also promote weight loss – and this is true, although not in the way you might think.

By promoting bowel movements, laxative teas can allow you excrete more waste and empty your gastrointestinal tract. In doing so, they can cause short term weight loss (as you are no longer carrier as much waste).

However, they do not have the ability to promote real long term fat loss (which is ultimately the result of changes in diet and exercise).

Are Laxative Teas Anti-Inflammatory?

And finally, many of the compounds founds within laxative teas (namely senna leaf) have also been shown to exhibit a potent anti-inflammatory effect within the human body. This means that it may have the ability to help treat harmful inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and leaky gut, while also causing global improvement in immune system function and health [3].

Best Laxative Tea Products

Given the positive impact that laxative teas can have on certain aspects of health, we wanted to give you some great options that you can implement into your health regime immediately.

Yogi Healing Organic Laxative Tea

This completely organic laxative tea by Yogi Healing is the most popular on the market right now – and for very good reason too.

Yogi Tea - Soothing Mint Get Regular (6 Pack) - Gentle Herbal Laxative - 96 Tea Bags

Built around senna leaf, and combined with a mix of soothing herbal compounds, this has everything you need in a high quality laxative tea.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Smooth Herbal Laxative Tea

Traditional Medicinals are one of the new players in the laxative tea game, but that shouldn’t act as a deterrent.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Smooth Move Herbal Stimulant Laxative Tea, 16 Count (Pack of 6)

This great product is quite simple in its approach, providing a scientifically supported dosage of senna leaf each serve, thus ensuring acute improvements in gut health and function.

Triple Leaf Tea Herbal Laxative

Our final option by Triple Leaf Tea is a great choice. Again, based around senna leaf, this is a high quality organic herbal tea that has everything you need to stimulate bowel movements and enhance general health.

Triple Leaf Tea Natural, Herbal Laxative 0.07 oz(Pack of 2)

You really can’t go wrong here.

What Else Can You Do About Constipation?

The sedentary lifestyle has become increasingly prevalent and contributes to constipation. The absence of physical labor, or compensating vigorous exercise, results in laxness of the abdominal muscles, as well as other muscles. Abdominal muscle laxity not only contributes to inability to move the bowels, but also may lead to prolapse and expansion of the lower intestinal tract, making it possible for the fecal matter to stagnate in masses that are difficult to pass. Lack of exercise also contributes to obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease, and depression, to mention just a few well-known adverse consequences.

A second contributor to chronic constipation is insufficient bulk in the intestines as the result of low intake of fiber and water. The pressure of this bulk of material against the intestinal walls is a stimulus to natural peristalsis. Health authorities repeatedly emphasize the value of fruits and vegetables, many of which are high in fiber and water, and they recommend consumption of large amounts of additional fluids, mostly in the form of water. A standard recommendation is to consume two quarts of water (equivalent to 8 servings of one cup each) per day. Fiber is also obtained via ingestion of whole grains and fiber supplements; however, this dry fiber is not a satisfactory solution in the absence of adequate water ingestion (source).

Side Effects & Safety Information

Senna can cause mild abdominal discomfort including colic cramps. Prolonged or over-use of senna products can lead to severe diarrhea that, in turn, results in loss of electrolytes causing weakness, giddiness and lethargy.

In certain cases, the use of senna has caused atonic nonfunctioning intestines. So it is important to limit the duration of continual use to 9-12 months, as this is a reasonable means of avoiding any of the potential problems associated with stimulant laxatives.

Excessive use or abuse of Senna has been reported to develop reduced serum globulin concentration and in worse cases, development of cachexia and clubbing of the fingers (source).


Laxative teas have been taking the health industry by storm, where they have been suggested to improve digestive function, general health, and even enhance weight loss.

While they may not meet all of these lofty claims, high quality organic laxative teas do appear to have the capacity to treat short term constipation and bloating, reduce inflammation throughout the body, and help reduce the severity of IBS symptoms.

If you have had any experience using laxative teas, then we would love to hear about it – so please drop us a comment and we will get back to you ASAP.


About the author

Sabrina Wilson

Sabrina Wilson is an author and homemaker who is passionate about a holistic approach to health. When she is not writing she can be found tooling around in her garden with the help of her appropriately named dog Digby, bicycling in the park, and occasionally rock climbing…badly. Sabrina is a staff writer for the Organic Daily Post.

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