▷ Best Supplements for Hair Growth (2025 Update)

Best Supplements for Hair Growth

Best Supplements for Hair Growth

As a population we are getting older – as we know, this is completely and utterly unavoidable.

And something that typically comes with increased age is an associated loss of hair, irrespective of whether we happen to be male or female (it is unfortunately going to happen wither way).

Which is why it is so terribly important that we look after our hair throughout the duration of our lives.  In doing so, we can delay the onset of age-related hair loss, while also causing a significant improvement in the health and quality of our hair on a daily basis.

Interestingly, there has been recent investment into a number of unique supplements that have shown promise in regard to improving hair quality – some of which have also shown to promote the growth of new hair.

With this in mind, these supplements may actually go a long way to delaying the loss of hair that occurs with age, while also promoting healthier looking hair over the duration of our lifetime.

What Do Hair Growth Supplements Do?

The production of hair itself is heavily reliant on the availability of specific vitamins and minerals. If these nutrients are not available, then the production of new hair is reduced. This also comes with a noticeable reduction in hair quality, and an inability to repair damaged hair effectively.

With this in mind, to stave off the onset of hair loss, providing the body with these essential nutrients is absolutely integral. Additionally, in doing so we also have the capacity to improve our quality of hair significantly.

In conjunction with this, there is some evidence to suggest that certain supplements can increase the density of hair follicles found on the scalp, and therefore may have the potential to improve hair thickness.

This is likely to reduce our risk of losing hair as we get older, and may even improve our hair quality in the short term.

What Should I Look for in a Hair Growth Supplement?

head lice

As hair loss is something that truly effects the vast majority of the population at one point or another, there has been a host of research looking into supplements that will have some impact delaying it. With this has also come analysis into what supplements have the potential to improve hair health and quality, and what supplements don’t.

With this extensive research, only a few supplements have shown genuine promise for promoting hair growth and improving hair health. These include:

  • Biotin: is a unique compound that has been shown to play an important role in converting foods into energy. Interestingly, it has also been shown to promote the health of our skin, eyes, and hair. As such, its consumption has been suggested to improve our natural ability to grow new hair, while causing large improvement in hair health [1].
  • Vitamin D: is well known for its ability to promote bone and skin health. Fortunately for us, recent research has suggested that it can also play an important role in the maintenance of healthy hair. As an added bonus, vitamin d is also believed to play a role creating new hair follicles on the scalp, while also ‘waking up’ those follicles that have become dormant. With this, the supplementation of vitamin D may improve hair thickness considerably [2].
  • Vitamin A: is a key nutrient that is essential to the growth of new cells through the entire body – including hair cells. The consumption of vitamin A has been said to reduce the risk of hair loss, while also improving the health of our scalps [3].
  • Vitamin B12: is an essential nutrient that helps regulate our metabolism, while also maintaining the health of the central nervous system. In conjunction with this, vitamin b-12 has also been shown to help strength and condition hair, staving off hair loss [3].

Best Hair Growth Supplement Reviews

Taking the above into consideration, we have gone ahead and found what we believe to be the best three hair growth supplements available on the market today. Each of these contain key ingredients that have been shown to promote the growth of new hair, all while improving hair health and quality.

ZHOU supplements are one of our personal favourites, as they continually produce high quality products with scientifically proven ingredients – which is paramount within this particular hair growth formula.

Using proven ingredients provided in high dosages, this is an excellent option for those looking to boost hair quality and hair growth efficiently and effectively. As an added bonus, it is far from the most expensive option on the list, making it suitable for those on a tighter budget.

This specific hair regrowth formula by Ultrax Labs is one of the most popular on the market, and for very good reason. Using scientifically proven ingredients, this is a high quality supplement that has been shown to work repeatedly.

While this particular option is slightly more expensive than some of its competitors, but you can be assured that you are paying for quality.

This option by Zenwise has been received very positively by many people within the health community, as it offers high dosages of key ingredients at a very affordable price. Arguably one of the most efficient hair growth supplements on the market, you really can’t go wrong with this option.

Take-Away Message

Hair loss is one of the most common afflictions within the entire population, affecting both males and females alike. Often this comes with a substantial reduction in hair health and hair quality – something that many of us (if not all of us) would like to avoid if possible.

Fortunately for us, there are a number of hair growth supplements that have shown to have some positive effects on our hair. These compounds can increase hair growth and thickness, all while causing subsequent improvement in hair quality, ensuring healthier and more durable hair.

While there are a multitude of hair growth supplements available on the market, the three outlined in this article offer the most effective options, using scientifically supported ingredients in excellent dosages.

If you have had any experience with these supplements, we would love to hear about it, so please drop us a comment and we will get back to you ASAP.


About the author

Sabrina Wilson

Sabrina Wilson is an author and homemaker who is passionate about a holistic approach to health. When she is not writing she can be found tooling around in her garden with the help of her appropriately named dog Digby, bicycling in the park, and occasionally rock climbing…badly. Sabrina is a staff writer for the Organic Daily Post.

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