▷ Choosing the Best Pygeum Supplement (February 2025 Update)

Choosing the Best Pygeum Supplement

Choosing the Best Pygeum Supplement

The rapid rise in popularity that natural plant-based supplements we have observed over the last decade is an incredibly postive thing for the health industry at large.

Our reliance on pharmaceutical grade compounds to enhance health and function had become almost harmful – and given that there are many perfectly suitable and safe natural alternatives that achieve the exact same thing, I would also argue it was very unnecessary.

One natural supplement that has become increasingly popular over the last few years is Pygeum, which is an interesting compound that has been suggested to be capable of replacing a number of key chemical treatments in the world of male health.

But what does the research tell us?

What is Pygeum?

But first, you might find yourself wondering ‘what in the world is Pygeum?’

Pygeum is the common name for an extract that comes from the bark of the Pygeum Africanum plant. This unique plant grows natively throughout southern and central Africa, where its fruit was commonly eaten in traditional African dishes.

However, its not the fruit that holds our interest here.

You see, while this fruit was used in cooking, its bark was used for thousands of years in traditional African medicine. In this setting, it was suggested to enhance health and longevity, while also increasing fertility and sexual health.

Interestingly, it appears that they were onto something.

You see, there is evidence to suggest that the specific compounds found within Pygeum block the activity of the key hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (or DHT for short).

A heightened level of DHT within the body has shown some interesting associations with male pattern baldness, infertility, and declines in sexual health – which ultimately suggests that Pygeum may have some potential health benefits in these areas.

What are the Benefits of Taking Pygeum?

Considering that Pygeum does appear to interact with the body at a physiological level in a manner that should enhance health, we wanted to take an objective look at the research to identify where its benefit truly lies.

Does Pygeum Help Treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common prostate diseases on the planet. BPH essentially describes the non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland, in which it becomes enlarged well beyond normal levels.

As the prostate surrounds the top portion of the urethra, BPH actually makes the urethra narrower while placing a large amount of pressure on the base of the bladder. This can become increasingly uncomfortable, create an inability to urinate, and may also contribute to the development of prostate cancer.

But, fortunately for us, supplementing with Pygeum has been shown to help treat BPH and assist in returning the size of the prostate to normal levels.

Does Pygeum Help Improve Fertility?

In conjunction with is positive impact on BPH, Pygeum has also been shown to cause an improvement in male fertility. You see, its supplementation has been shown to increase both sperm number and sperm motility – both of which are integral to maintaining a high degree of fertility.

While the exact mechanism for this interaction remains unclear, it is thought that the key bioactive qualities of Pygeum can improve hormone production and reduce inflammation within the prostate, causing a subsequent increase in reproductive health.

Does Pygeum Help Improve Hair Loss?

We have already stated that Pygeum helps stop the secretion of the hormone DHT – but we didn’t really explain how this benefits baldness and hair loss. You see, DHT is thought to interact with the hair follicles on the head, making them smaller and causing an associated reduction in hair growth.

But by blocking the action of DHT, the supplementation of Pygeum has been shown to cause some improvement in hair growth. This suggest that it may offer an appropriate method of staving off baldness and any declines in hair growth and thickness.

Is Pygeum Anti-inflammatory?

In the short-term, inflammation can be beneficial.  It allows the immediate removal of any harmful matter from the body, while also flushing it with nutrients essential to recovery.

Unfortunately, if prolonged, inflammation places a huge amount of physical stress on the body. If left unchanged, this can lead to a host of health issues, including an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, in conjunction with inhibited mental function and associated feelings of depression and lethargy.

Interestingly, Pygeum has been shown to reduce systemic inflammation and cause associated improvements in health. This suggests that its supplementation may offer an excellent natural means of reducing the risk of developing the harmful diseases associated with today’s modern, inactive, and high stress, lifestyle.

Best Pygeum Product Reviews

As Pygeum appears to offer us a number of health benefits, we wanted to give you some great options that you can implement immediately.

Swanson Superior Herbs have been producing great quality natural remedies for a very long time, in which their Pygeum supplement is no different.

Swanson Pygeum - 400mg Herbal Supplement for Male Prostate Health - Supports Bladder and Urinary Tract Health - 120 Capsules

Providing a potent dose of 100mg per serve, there is a very good reason as to why this is the most popular option on the market.

This great option by Solaray has been incredibly well received by consumers, with many individuals applauding its effectiveness and potency.

SOLARAY Pygeum Bark Extract, One Daily Pygeum 100mg, Pygeum Extract for Healthy Prostate Support, Guaranteed to Contain 13 mg Total Plant Sterols, Vegan, 60-Day Guarantee, 30 Servings, 30 VegCaps

While this option is slightly more expensive than many of its competitors, you can be assured of both its effectiveness and its quality.

Our final option by Xion Naturals is relatively new in terms of Pygeum supplements, but that should not act as a deterrent.

Xion Naturals Pygeum Bark Extract - All Natural Prostate Health Supplement for Men - 100mg 120 Count Supports Urinary, Prostate Health in Men and Reduces Inflammation

This is great option the uses high quality ingredients to bring a scientifically supported 100mg dosage per capsule. You really can’t go wrong here.


It appears that Pygeum supplements offer an excellent natural remedy that can enhance various aspects of health. While it is most known for its capacity to help treat BPH, it also appears to enhance male fertility, reduce the risk of hair loss, and remove harmful inflammation from the body, thus causing subsequent improvement in nearly all facets of health.

It truly is an amazing compound.

As always, if you have had any experience using Pygeum supplements then we would love to hear about it, so please drop us a comment and we will get back you ASAP.


  1. Krzeski, Tadeusz, et al. “Combined extracts of Urtica dioica and Pygeum africanum in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: double-blind comparison of two doses.” Clinical therapeutics6 (1993): 1011-1020. From:


  2. Meletis, Chris D., and Jason Barker. “Natural ways to enhance male fertility.” Alternative & Complementary Therapies1 (2004): 22-27. From:


  3. Borrás, J. M., et al. “Efficacy and safety of a dietary supplement containing a lipid co-extract from Serenoa repens and Pygeum africanum for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) in women: Results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.” Más dermatología25 (2016): 5-14. From:


  4. Steenkamp, Vanessa, et al. “Studies on antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of herbal remedies used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology1 (2006): 71-75. From:

About the author

Sabrina Wilson

Sabrina Wilson is an author and homemaker who is passionate about a holistic approach to health. When she is not writing she can be found tooling around in her garden with the help of her appropriately named dog Digby, bicycling in the park, and occasionally rock climbing…badly. Sabrina is a staff writer for the Organic Daily Post.

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