Mosquitoes are just little creatures, but they can wreak havoc on our lives. They can cause some dangerous and even fatal diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and chikungunya. There are so many mosquito repellents out there that are filled with harsh chemicals, which is bad for you and your home. They also have negative effects on the environment.
If you are interested in naturally getting rid of mosquitoes, then look no further! Check out these 20 home remedies that will get rid of your mosquito problem in an eco-friendly manner.
Our Top Recommendation
Almost regardless of which insect is infesting your home or yard, our top recommended solution is the same. Cedar oil is a safe, non-toxic, and all natural solution for killing and repelling most insects.
Cedar oil does not harm beneficial insects like bees and butterflies, but it is a contact killer and effective repellent for most insects you’d want to get rid of. See this article to learn more about cedar oil or to see the full range of cedar oil products, click here.
1. Dry Ice
Dry ice emits a lot of carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes. So all you have to do is place dry ice in a container and keep it at a certain distance away from you. When all the mosquitoes are attracted to the container and are inside it, just close the lid. While this method might be a little time-consuming, it is quite effective.
2. Coffee Grounds
This is a really simple, yet effective method for getting rid of mosquitoes. Just sprinkle coffee grounds wherever you find still water near your home. The mosquito eggs present in the water will be forced to the surface and will be deprived of oxygen. This will kill them before they are hatched and prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
3. Mosquito Traps
You can buy a mosquito trap or make one at home. You only need a few supplies. First, cut a plastic bottle in half. In a separate container, mix brown sugar and hot water together until dissolved. When it cools down, empty the mixture into the bottom half of the bottle. Next, add yeast. Put the top funnel part of the bottle, in an upside down direction, into the bottom half of the bottle. Wrap tape around the bottle, leaving the top uncovered. Place it where mosquitoes go the most, and change the solution in the bottle every two weeks.
4. Camphor
This is another home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes in an environmentally friendly way. All you do is close all the doors and windows in a room, and then light the camphor and leave it alone for about a half hour. When you back to that room, the mosquitoes will be gone.
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5. Garlic
Garlic has a very strong smell that mosquitoes really don't like. Just crush a few cloves of garlic and boil it in some water for a few minutes. Then pour the solution into a spray bottle and squirt it all around the room. This will kill the mosquitoes.
6. Dish Soap
This one is really easy. Just squirt a mixture of dish soap and water on the mosquitoes to kill them naturally.
7. Beer
Just fill a bowl with plain beer and place it in your home to repel mosquitoes.
8. Lilac Oil and Coconut Oil
Lilac has so many great qualities. It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, and also has anti-protozoan properties. To get rid of mosquitoes, mix lilac oil and coconut oil in an even ratio and apply it all over your body. This will keep mosquitoes away from you for a minimum of eight hours.
9. Eucalyptus Oil and Lemon Oil
Mix these two oils together at an even ratio and apply it to your body to repel mosquitoes from you. See our article on where to buy essential oils for more info on finding these oils.
10. Basil
If you plant basil in your garden and put a few potted basil plants around your home, mosquitoes won't come near you.
11. Citronella Oil
This oil is the most effective when it comes to getting rid of mosquitoes. Apply it all over your body, or put a few drops of it in a candle when lighting it. Mosquitoes won't come near you at all.
12. Mint
Although we love the smell of mint, mosquitoes hate it. You can buy mint extract or mint oil and add it to a spray bottle of water. Then, spray the mixture wherever you want to make mosquitoes go away.
13. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is more effective than any chemical out there. Mosquitoes can't tolerate the smell of lavender oil, so they will be instantly repelled. Spray it in your room or directly on your skin to make mosquitoes go away.
14. Tea Tree Oil
The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal features of tea tree oil work perfectly when it comes to fighting off mosquitoes. The strong odor of the tea tree oil keeps the mosquitoes away. Just mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of water and put this mixture on your face and other parts of your body.
How to Kill Ticks Naturally
Keep your family safe from Lyme disease...
15. Pinion Wood
Burn this wood outside your home and the odor that it releases will prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.
17. Rosemary
Rosemary is a very popular natural mosquito repellent. Just burn a few stalks of it and mosquitoes will be driven away.
18. Mosquito Repellent Plants
Plants like catnip and feverfew are great for repelling mosquitoes. Just plant a few in your garden or place them around your home.
19. Soybean Oil
This is another great oil to repel mosquitoes. Just add a few drops to a candle, light it, and watch as mosquitoes go away.
20. Lemongrass Oil
This oil is known for driving mosquitoes away. It will be most effective if you add a few drops to a spray bottle full of water and spray it around your home.
Here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind while getting rid of mosquitoes.
- Hang a mosquito net.
- Keep doors and windows of your house closed at night.
- Remember that mosquitoes are attracted to light.
- Don't allow stagnant water near your home because that is where mosquitoes breed