▷ How to Choose the Best DHEA Supplement (2025 Update)

DHEA Supplement Reviews – Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects & More

Best DHEA Supplement

The main drivers within the wonderful world of supplements typically revolve around performance enhancement. Those supplement that, when consumed in adequate (and safe) amounts, have the potential to increase muscle mass, aid in the loss of fat mass, and boost exercise performance.

And if those same supplement happen to improve health as well?

Well, we have a winner.

But these types of supplements are few and far between, where many of those that are actually effective often coming in conjunction with some rather nasty side effects – essentially rendering them useless (in which they often also become banned).

Which is why those few supplements that can boost performance AND improve health without inducing any harmful side effects are so very popular.

And a prime example of one such supplement is DHEA.

What is DHEA?

DHEA (also known as ‘dehroepiandrosterone’ within the scientific community) is actually a specific hormone that is produced within the human body by the adrenal glands.

While DHEA hormone is known to play a role in over 150 of the body’s metabolic functions, it is most highly regarded for its interactions with the male and female sex hormones, where it can be converted into both estrogen and testosterone.

DHEA secretion has been shown to peak in early adulthood, where it then proceeds decline steadily throughout the remainder of the lifespan – indicating that DHEA supplementation may play an important role in health maintenance throughout life.

Taking this into consideration, in conjunction with its impact on the hormonal system, DHEA has also shown to interact with other systems. With this in mind, low levels of DHEA have shown strong associations with an increased risk of heart disease, depression, and all-cause mortality, suggesting it is integral to optimal health and function [1].

What Are the Benefits of Taking a Dhea Supplement?

The supplementation of DHEA has been shown to have a number of positive effects on the human body, from a performance perspective, physical health perspective, and even from a mental health perspective.

Dhea Supplementation and Bone Mineral Density

Low DHEA levels within the body have shown strong associations with a significantly reduced bone mineral density. Low bone mineral density is known to lead to an increased risk of bone breaks and fractures, combined with a much greater risk of developing osteoporosis in our older age.

Interestingly, the daily supplementation of DHEA has been shown to cause large improvements in bone mineral density, irrespective of any exercise (which also has the capacity to improve bone mineral density) [2].

With all this in mind, it is important to note that bone mineral density is known to improve at an incredibly slow rate, and as such supplementation for 1-2 years (if not indefinitely) is recommended to maximize results.

Dhea Supplementation and Muscle Growth and Fat Loss

Consider the role that DHEA plays in testosterone production (and considering that testosterone is the most anabolic hormone in the entire body), it should come as no surprise that its supplementation can promote an increased rate of muscle growth when combined with a solid resistance training regime [3].

This increase in muscle mass has been shown to come with an increased rate of fat loss, further suggesting DHEAs capacity to promote large changes in body composition [4].

We should note that the effectiveness of DHEA in regards to muscle building appears to increase with age. Younger individuals typically have produce higher amounts of both DHEA and testosterone naturally, which reduces the effectiveness of DHEA supplementation.

Dhea Supplementation and Mental Health

In conjunction with its large impact on the physical body, DHEA has also been shown to interact strongly with mental health and function.

In fact, the daily supplementation of DHEA has been shown to reduce the signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety, while causing a subsequent improvement in mood. This has been suggested to come with a reduced risk of age related declines in cognitive function and an associated improvement in memory [5].

Best DHEA Supplement reviews

DHEA is one of the most popular supplements available today. As a result, the market has become somewhat saturated with subpar options that are low in quality and offer very little effectiveness.

As a result, we have gone and found what we believe to be the top three DHEA supplements available on the market – each offering an excellent option for those looking to introduce a high quality DHEA supplement into their diet.

This great DHEA supplement by Jarrow Formulas is slightly different than some of the others on this list as it actually provides a specific compound that acts as a metabolite of DHEA – known as 7-Keto DHEA.

Jarrow Formulas 7-Keto DHEA 100 mg - Up to 90 Servings (Veggie Caps) Dietary Supplement - Carbohydrate Metabolism Support - Non-GMO - Gluten Free - Vegan

This compound not only has a very similar effect on the body as regular DHEA, but also increases fat metabolism at a rate so great it can enhance ketosis in a very big way.  This makes it ideal for those following a ketogenic way of eating.

Providing a potent dosage of 100mg pure 7-Keto DHEA, this is a fantastic option that can cause rapid boosts in health and function. It has been extremely well received by the health industry at large and comes at a very affordable price point. This truly is a fantastic product.

This DHEA product by Life Extension offers us the complete package. Providing both 100mg of 7-Keto DHEA and 25mg of pure DHEA, this really does offer us one of the most effective methods of supplementing with this amazing compound.

Life Extension 7-Keto DHEA Has Been Studied to Help Promote Healthy Body Weight When Coupled with Proper Diet & Exercise - Non-GMO, Gluten-Free - 60 Vegetarian Capsules

This is the perfect option for those who want to receive all the great benefits of both 7-Keto DHEA and regular DHEA in the same easy to take product.

HAVASU are a favorite of ours as they constantly put out great quality products with scientific evidence to support their use – and their DHEA supplement reinforces this by providing a potent dose of high quality DHEA in a single capsule.

DHEA 50mg Supplement for Hormone Balance - Supports Energy for Men and Women - Dehydroepiandrosterone Capsules for Mood, Aging & Daily Vitality - Non-GMO, Vegan - 60 Capsules, 2-Month Supply

This is a great option that has gained a lot of popularity within the health industry due to its high rate of absorption and excellent effectiveness.

This DHEA supplement by ZHOU is another excellent option for literally anyone looking to introduce a quality DHEA supplement into their regime. Coming in an extra strength dosage of 50mg, and offering a high rate of absorption, you really can’t go wrong.

Zhou Clarity and Vitality (formerly DHEA) 50 mg, Hormonal Balance Formula for Women & Men, Healthy Aging, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, 60 Capsules

This is one of the more popular DHEA supplements on the market, in which its reception has been overwhelmingly positive – a great choice for literally anyone.

Natrol are a quality company that consistently put out great supplements at excellent prices – and their DHEA supplement is no different. This particular option uses high quality ingredients and comes in at an extremely affordable price point.

Natrol Mood & Stress DHEA 25mg, Supplement for Balance of Hormone Level, 90 Tablets, 90 Day Supply

While the dosage here is slightly lower than some of its competitors, it is still an excellent option – and considering its price, it is perfect for those on a tight budget.

Take-Away Message

DHEA is a key supplement that has been growing in popularity over the last few years, where it has been shown to improve muscle growth and promote fat loss, increase bone mineral density, and even improve cognitive function and mental health.

It is genuinely one of the most effective supplements on the market.

Within this article we have outlined what we believe to be the best three DHEA supplements available. If you have had any experience with them, we would love to hear about it – so please drop us a comment and we will get back to you ASAP.


About the author

Sabrina Wilson

Sabrina Wilson is an author and homemaker who is passionate about a holistic approach to health. When she is not writing she can be found tooling around in her garden with the help of her appropriately named dog Digby, bicycling in the park, and occasionally rock climbing…badly. Sabrina is a staff writer for the Organic Daily Post.

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