▷ Cedar Oil for Dogs: Non-toxic Flea & Tick Repellent (2025 Update)

Cedar Oil for Dogs

Cedar oil for dogs

Spring is here, with it come fleas and ticks which can be a big problem for dogs. For many, having a dog is like adding an addition to the family. More than just a pet, dogs play an important role in our daily lives as companion, friend and protector. In fact, about one third of the US population owns a dog. That equates to roughly seventy million dogs in American homes.

Fleas not only make your dog miserable, they can carry diseases that negatively impact your dog’s health.

Consumers are always looking for more natural ways to rid their pets of fleas and other pests and cedar oil is a great option for dogs.

Where to Buy Cedar Oil

To see the full line of tick repellent products, click the button below

Short video on how to make a dog shampoo using cedar oil (exact recipe):

Is Cedar Oil Safe for Dogs?

Cedar oil is natural and non-toxic and is used in health and beauty products along with being a natural pesticide and insect repellent. It also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Cedar wood oil for dogs is safe as long as it’s applied correctly, given that your dog is not sensitive to it. Do your homework before applying cedar oil to any pet. Like humans, animals can have sensitivities and allergies to certain products and looking online can help you to see side effects that dogs can have from something like cedar oil.

When applying cedar oil, you’ll want to be sure to apply the appropriate amount per the label and watch out for the sensitive areas and membranes - like their eyes and ears.

Cedar Oil Spray for Dogs

Cedar oil spray is just one option available to you and your pet. When you get to applying the cedar oil to their head, spray a little on a rag or your hands, and then carefully apply it on the fur around their eyes, mouth, and ears. Avoid getting too close to the eyes as the aroma emanating from the oil can be quite strong. This ensures that they get a good dose of it, but that it doesn’t aggravate these sensitive areas. You will want to flush the area with water if you do happen to get it in their eye or another sensitive spot, as you would for yourself or your child.

For smaller dogs or dogs that can’t sit still, you may want to switch to applying the cedar oil with a rag or on your hands. This will help to prevent any errant spray that might them hit in the face.

For smaller dogs or dogs that can’t sit still, you may want to switch to applying the cedar oil all over the body with a rag or your hands. This will help to prevent any errant sprays that could get them in the face.

Read the Label

Read the label to ensure the correct amount of cedar oil is applied to your dog commensurate with its size.

Where to Buy Cedar Oil for Dogs?

If you are wondering where to buy cedar oil for dogs there are a number of options available to you. You may want to try your local vitamin or natural health shop. They often not only carry natural items for humans, but they may also have products for your pets. Another option is checking out what is offered at your local grocery store or pet store. These are all potential sources for you to pick up and actually hold the product in your hand.

If you’re not finding a product you like at a store nearby, or if you’re in a more rural area, you can always buy cedar oil for dogs online. We recommend this as the best option because prices online are usually better and you can select from the full range of cedar oil products this way. It's important to get the correct product because not all cedar oil products are the same. Some are specifically designed for use on pets, and that's what you want in this case.

Where to Buy Cedar Oil

To see the full line of tick repellent products, click the button below

When trying to determine the best product to use for your pets, there are a number of things to consider. You should look at the listed ingredients and read the label for directions. When purchasing online, first read the reviews of the product and those of the website offering the product.

You’ll thank yourself for not only keeping your home free of these quickly multiplying little pests, but also for finding a solution like cedar wood oil for dogs to protect them from the chemicals that are in most commercially available flea and pest applications. You’ll also love the nice fragrance of cedar wood and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ve taken a healthy step forward in using a safe and natural product for your dog.

About the author

Sabrina Wilson

Sabrina Wilson is an author and homemaker who is passionate about a holistic approach to health. When she is not writing she can be found tooling around in her garden with the help of her appropriately named dog Digby, bicycling in the park, and occasionally rock climbing…badly. Sabrina is a staff writer for the Organic Daily Post.

Brenda Shook - August 20, 2018

Hello, I was watching the above video on Youtube about making a natural flea shampoo and had a couple questions.
It says to mix the oils with Almond oil before adding to the shampoo, but how much almond oil do you use?
Also, Can this be used on cats?
Thank you very much! My dog is allergic to topical flea meds and the pills, which do work, just cost so much! I’ve been searching for a while for something that will work on her. She is 10, so this has been a never ending thing!

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