Ketone supplements have been taking the health industry by storm, suggested to promote weight loss, increase mental clarity and cognition, and improve health, these compounds are said to be the 'next big thing' in the supplement industry.
- Fantastic product
- Highly bioavailable
- Extremely effective
- 12g of exogenous ketones/serving
- Boost energy
- Fast acting
- Highly effective
- Powdered form
- Popular choice
- Performance enhancing
- Contain gums
- Delicious flavor
- Organic
- No artificial flavors
- Zero sugar
- Naturally sweetened
- High purity
- Great flavor
- Lemon lime flavor
- Rapid action
- Cost effective
- Liquid option
- More expensive
- Not great tasting
Now before we get stuck into the specifics around ketone supplementation, it is important to touch on a few things around their use. There is a bit of a misconception within the health industry that taking ketone supplements on a daily basis will promote the effects mentioned above immediately…
Which isn’t entirely true.
Ketone supplements are meant to be used in conjunction with a ketogenic diet to enhance the body’s ability to use fats as fuel, and therefore enhance weight loss, health, and performance. With this in mind, if they are not used in conjunction with a ketogenic diet, they are essentially rendered useless.
What Is the Ketogenic Diet?
So, before we get into the nitty gritty of ketone supplementation, it is first integral that we gain an understanding of what the ketogenic diet actually is.
The ketogenic diet, in short, describes a way of eating that is both high in fat consumption and extremely low in carbohydrate consumption [1]. In fact, it is not uncommon for people following the ketogenic diet closely to consume as little as 20 grams of carbohydrates per day (which is the equivalent of a small apple…).
Now with this, the main driver for the ketogenic diet is to get the body into a state of ketosis.
I should add that while ketosis may sound like a bit or a marketing ‘buzzword’ it is actually a normal metabolic process that occurs within the body during certain conditions – namely when there are no carbohydrates available for energy production [2].
You see, the human body can use both carbohydrates and fats for energy. In fact, under normal circumstances we are constantly breaking down both fats and carbohydrates for energy.
Interestingly, when there are not enough carbohydrates available to meet the energy demands placed on the body, the rate at which we break down and metabolise fats for energy increases to meet those demands [3].
Now when fats are broken down and used for energy, ketones (a specific type of acid) are produced as somewhat of a by-product.
Interestingly, these same ketones can also be broken down used for energy [2].
When we are breaking down fats for energy at a rate rapid enough to cause the accumulation of ketones in the blood, we are said to be in a state of ketosis.
So as touched on above, the purpose of the ketogenic diet is to get the body into a permanent state of ketosis – in which the body is producing a heap of ketones at a relatively rapid rate.
Why Do We Want to Be in a State of Ketosis?
So, while despite having a good understanding of the premise behind the ketogenic diet, you might find yourself wondering what is the point?
Interestingly, there is several positives associated with getting the body into a constant state of ketosis.
Firstly, the body’s ability to breakdown and use fat for energy is improved considerably. This is suggested to create somewhat of a ‘fat-burning’ environment, where fats are readily used for energy, leading to significant increases in in our ability to lose fat specific weight [1].
Secondly, a state of ketosis has also shown to lead to a reduced risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, in conjunction with lower resting blood sugar levels, resting blood pressure, and reduced blood cholesterol [4].
And finally, while I previously mentioned that ketones can also be used for energy in the human body, I didn’t state that they are actually the preferred source of energy for the brain and neural tissue.
Subsequently, getting into a state of ketosis has been suggested to improve cognitive function, short and long-term memory, and even increase problem solving skills [5].
What Do Ketone Supplements Do?
Whether advertised as keto supplements, ketosis supplements, exogenous ketones, or ketone supplements, in their purest form they all refer to the exact same thing.
Ketones that are consumed, rather than produced, within the body.
Now, in regards to the ketogenic diet in particular, one of the biggest positives associated with the external supplementation of ketones is that it greatly enhances the body’s ability to get into (and to maintain) a state of ketosis.
This makes them an excellent addition to the ketogenic diet.
And, as a bonus, ketogenic diet supplements also offer some additional benefits beyond their ability to drive ketosis.
Ketone Supplements Can Improve Weight Loss
Ketone supplements can impact our ability to lose weight through two key mechanisms.
There has been recent evidence to suggest that providing the body with additional ketones can help supress appetite throughout the duration of the day. This can lead to a greatly reduced energy intake on a daily basis, which is absolutely integral to promoting weight loss in the long term.
This occurs in conjunction with the increased metabolism of fat promoted by being in a state of ketosis (and therefore through the use of these keto diet supplements).
Through these two factors we can see substantial weight loss – most of which comes from fat specifically [6].
Ketone Supplements Can Enhance Mental Performance
I have already mentioned that ketones are the preferred fuel for the cells of both the brain and nervous system. With this in mind, the supplementation of ketones can greatly improve the number of ketones available for the brain to use for energy.
As a result, keto supplements have the potential to improve mental performance and cognitive function, improving focus, attentiveness, our ability solve problems and learn new information, and may even produce productivity [7].
This makes them an excellent option for those looking to get a little bit more out of their working day.
Ketone Supplements Can Improve Endurance Performance
During ketosis, we become extremely competent at breaking down fats for energy.
Interestingly, gram for gram, fats provide the body with a heap more energy than carbohydrates, suggesting that their absolute capacity to provide us with energy is much greater – assuming we can break them down fast enough to meet the energy demands placed on the body.
Ketone supplementation can further ‘fat-adapt’ the body, making it increasingly adept and efficient at breaking down fats for energy. This efficiency has been suggested to lead to enhanced performance during endurance exercise, such as cycling, swimming, and running [7].
Keto Diet Supplement Reviews
With the increasingly popularity of the ketogenic diet, there has been a large influx of keto diet supplements into the market – some of which (as you can imagine) are much better than others.
Which is why we have done all the hard work for you, finding the best Ketone supplements available on the market today.
- Fantastic product
- Highly bioavailable
- Extremely effective
- 12g of exogenous ketones/serving
- Boost energy
- Fast acting
- Highly effective
- Powdered form
- Popular choice
- Performance enhancing
- Contain gums
- Delicious flavor
- Organic
- No artificial flavors
- Zero sugar
- Naturally sweetened
- High purity
- Great flavor
- Lemon lime flavor
- Rapid action
- Cost effective
- Liquid option
- More expensive
- Not great tasting
This fantastic product by Keto Zone has quickly become one of the most popular on the market. By offering the body with highly bioavailable and rapidly absorbed ketones, this product can get you into ketosis and boost fat burning in an extremely effective manner.
Combine that with is delicious coconut cream flavour and you have what many would consider the perfect option.
BioKeto are one of the premier keto-friendly supplement companies on the market at the moment (as their name suggests). With this in mind, their BHB salt based exogenous ketones are some of the best available.
Providing a potent dosage of 12g of exogenous ketones per serve, this has everything you need to boost fat metabolism and accelerate your body into ketosis. Not to mention these are of the absolute highest quality. You really cant go wrong here.
Perfect keto is one of the most popular exogenous ketone supplements available on the market at the moment. Coming in powdered from, perfect base ketones is essentially derived from a single primary ingredient – Beta Hydroxybutyrate.
Beta Hydroxybutyrate (also known as BHB) is a specific compound that is rapidly broken down into ketone molecules almost immediately after ingestion. As such, it makes for one of the most effective and available methods of ketone supplementation.
In conjunction with BHB, perfect keto also provides us with a good portion of calcium, magnesium, and sodium, in which it contains absolutely zero carbohydrates, sugars, gums, or fillers. This makes it one of the purest options available for purchase.
This particular supplement comes in two key flavours: Chocolate sea salt and Coffee – both of which mix extremely well and taste absolutely fantastic.
Keto Drive is similar in makeup to Perfect Keto, in that it is primarily built around BHB. Where it differs is that it also provides us with a very solid dose of Vitamin A (which is a good thing), and does contain some gums and fillers (which may be viewed as a negative).
Keto drive is unique in that while it is often used to help get us in into a state of ketosis, it is also suggested to be taken before you participate in physical activity, where it can enhance endurance performance.
This particular powder mixes extremely easily, and as it comes in fruity flavours (specifically 'Black Cherry', 'Matcha Lemonade', and 'Orange Mango'), it still tastes fantastic when mixed only with water, making it an easy and delicious option.
Zenwise is a keto supplement that targets itself towards those of us who lean towards the 'organic' side of the food spectrum. While it is built around BHB (like most ketone supplements), it contains no artificial flavors or sweeteners, no gums or fillers, and of course, no sugar.
With this in mind, its flavouring is made up of completely natural ingredients, making it an excellent option for those looking to steer completely clear of anything that isn't organic.
And while we are discussing flavor, I should note that this particular ketogenic drink comes in two key flavours – Rasberry Lemonade and Wild Limeade - both of which mix extremely well with water and taste absolutely incredible.
Interestingly, even despite the fact that it consists entirely of natural ingredients, it is one of the more affordable options on this list, also making it a fantastic option for those looking for a quality ketone supplement on a budget.
Sheer Ketones is a ketogenic supplement that is advertised to get you into ketosis as fast as humanly possible. With this comes a good portion of BHB, in conjunction with some natural sweeteners and that is it.
With this in mind, you are essentially purchasing BHB in its purest form, meaning that it will be absorbed rapidly into the blood, promoting a quicker state of ketosis.
This is going to be of HUGE benefit to those individuals who are just commencing the ketogenic diet, as it will allow them to get into a prolonged state of ketosis much faster than without any supplementation.
This essentially means you can start reaping the rewards of being in ketosis much earlier, which is obviously a good thing.
Coming in raspberry lemonade flavour, this option mixes well and tastes OK, although I must admit that it is not the tastiest option on this list.
Keto fast is again a BHB derived supplement that is advertised to get you in a prolonged state of ketosis, meaning that a single serve will lead to a heightened blood ketone levels for a rather large amount of time.
This is thought to have a host of benefits from the weight loss perspective, in which it can lead to a greater reduction in hunger combined with an increase in fat metabolism over a much longer time period.
Coming in lemon lime flavour, Keto Fast isn't the most exciting option on the list, but it does do its job by providing some high quality BHB at a very affordable price point. With this, it mixes quite well with water and stores quite well.
KetoForce is one of the few liquid ketone drinks available on the market that are actually any good. Still built around almost entirely BHB, this liquid supplement offers a simple and convenient way to get into ketosis.
With this, it can easily be mixed with a drink of your choice to enhance flavour and accessibility (although you would obviously want to make sure that this beverage was zero sugar).
This makes it an excellent way for those who are only just starting to adjust to the restrictions of the ketogenic diet.
I should note that liquid options typically taste worse and are more expensive than their powdered counterparts, which may make them a less suitable option for some individuals.
When used in conjunction with the ketogenic diet, ketone supplements offer an excellent way to get the body into ketosis. This can greatly increase our capacity to lose weight, cause significant improvement in both mental and physical performance, and may even cause some improvements in health.
With this, it is important to note that not all ketone supplements are created equal. But, within this list I have outlined what I believe to be the best options available on the market today.
Coming in a variety of flavours, these useful supplements should suit the needs of anyone looking for a quality ketone supplement that won't break the bank.
As always, if you have had any experience with ketone supplements, we would love to hear about – so feel free to drop us a comment and we will get back to you ASAP.