Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits for your Household and Health (2025 Update)

Everything You Need to Know about Apple Cider Vinegar

By Alan Ray / September 27, 2017

An old adage claims, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and many hold that to be true given the health benefits of eating fruit in general and apples specifically. But what about apple cider vinegar--known also as ACV--can the same be said?

The answer, according to an impressive cross section of health care professionals and consumers alike, is an emphatic, yes! ACV is common in many households and is proving to be much more than just a natural and inexpensive disinfectant (although it is effective). The health benefits derived from this simple juice are many and varied and its multiple applications make it a must-have in the home.

The Past Meets the Pres​​​​ent

Hippocrates (460–380 B.C.E.) Ancient Greek physician

The use of apple cider vinegar as a seemingly miraculous cure-all dates back to the time of Hippocrates (Hip-pock-ruh-teez), the Greek Physician widely considered the “Father of Modern Medicine.” 

Hippocrates prescribed ACV to his patients for a host of maladies and disorders in addition to countless other applications.

Apparently Hippocrates knew his stuff, considering that apple cider vinegar is still being recommended for any number of conditions some 2,500 years later. In modern times, apple cider vinegar is still in use and in infinitely more ways than ever before. Here are just a couple examples of the beneficial properties of apple cider vinegar as it pertains to our daily health.


Acid reflux disease occurs when stomach acid backs up into the throat or esophagus. Vinegar, an acid itself, helps to reduce that excess stomach acid thereby eliminating the cause of acid reflux.


A natural astringent (causing soft tissue to contract), ACV is an effective treatment for cuts and abrasions as it expedites the healing process.

Those two are really just a tiny smidgen of what ACV can do. If you want to do a deep dive on all the conditions that may be helped by the use of apple cider vinegar (and some that aren't), see our guide to the benefits of ACV.

What's in it?

Interestingly enough, there are no mysterious properties hidden away in apple cider vinegar that account for its effectiveness. In fact, it's pretty basic as its compounds consist mainly of potassium, acidic acid, magnesium and enzymes along with some probiotics (live organisms living on some foods such as yogurt-believed to aid in digestion).  

What is somewhat mystifying is how well that combination works in its varied applications. ACV contains polyphenols which are essentially, antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to help quell the damage done to cells and to kill free radicals. This is especially good news considering these free radicals can lead to a series of afflictions from gastrointestinal problems to cancer.

Apple Cider Vinegar Usage in the Home

Many households with children or pets, or merely those with an aversion to expensive and potentially dangerous cleaners, find ACV an excellent alternative to chemically-based products for killing germs in the kitchen and bath areas. Great for counter tops, sinks, greasy cooking areas (like stove tops) and even for cleaning the kitchen table. And as long as we're in the kitchen, it also makes a delicious vinaigrette dressing. These are but a few of the multi-purpose cleaning abilities of this remarkable vinegar.

ACV For Good Health

Long touted as a miraculous cure-all, apple cider vinegar is pretty well-rounded when it comes to benefiting our health, but it can't do everything. Then again, what can?

Let's take a look at some of the health attributes proven (as best we can determine) to be true. Below is a compilation of Organic Daily Post articles and their respective links that explain in greater detail the catalog of benefits apple cider vinegar can provide. This little juice is quite remarkable as a health aid.

Apple Cider Vinegar Articles

Apple cider vinegar in jar, glass and fresh apple, healthy drink

Below are some general questions that Organic Daily Post readers commonly have. We've written these posts specifically to address these concerns about apple cider vinegar. 

Apple Cider Vinegar Use Questions

And while ACV does offer a multitude of natural benefits, let's not throw out all our medicines and household cleaners just yet. All things in moderation. 

Many articles promoting the seemingly miraculous benefits of consuming ACV are for the most part, positive. Naturally, they would be. At Organic Daily Post we offer the upside but want to ensure our readers are aware of the potential downside of apple cider vinegar as well.

Use Caution with ACV

There are health benefits galore in this magical little elixir as noted above but don't forget, it is an acid and acid can due damage if not properly diluted. If you plan on ingesting ACV be advised that its powerful acidity can be harmful to your health.

5 Potential Negatives of ACV

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    If you take medication for type 2 diabetes, ingesting ACV may lower your potassium levels in addition to decreasing your blood sugar. Consult your health care provider before you start guzzling ACV as a cure-all.
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    Though many claim ACV helps ease a sore throat, science doesn't back that up. On the contrary, given it is an acid, one should avoid gargling with ACV as its high acid content could burn the throat. If you insist however, be sure to dilute it with water first.
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    In its pure form, the acid contained in apple cider vinegar can erode teeth enamel, scorch the throat and can even burn sensitive gum tissue.
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    Any application to the skin should only be done with a diluted version of apple cider vinegar.
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    It has been reported that long term use of ACV has resulted in the loss of bone density. This could be particularly worrisome if you suffer from Osteoporosis (weakening of the bones).

Well, there you have it. Pretty much everything you need to know about the pros and cons of apple cider vinegar. If you employ common sense, mostly pros. However, as with most things in life, not everything works in the same way for every person just as 'one size fits all' really doesn't. So do your homework or ask a doctor or nurse if ACV is a good fit for you before blindly trying everything you read on the internet. This article included. 

Your good health begins and ends with you.

About the author

Alan Ray

Alan Ray is an independent writer who has experienced an eclectic career. He co-created and was the Head Writer for a reality television series as well as composing and producing the Theme song. He has written radio comedy, specials for National Public Radio, hundreds of blogs and no end of gardening and how-to articles spanning a galaxy of topics from aquaponics to the history of the flush toilet. He has also worked tirelessly on countless projects that went nowhere. Additionally, Alan spent years in recording studios in Nashville, Tennessee, where he worked as a staff songwriter for various music publishing companies. He is both a multiple BMI Award recipient and ASCAP award-winning songwriter, respectively. He has also written 5 books and is a New York Times best selling author (Non-Fiction/Humor). While touring the country doing book-signings, he did over 700 live radio interviews with every major radio station in the nation as well as the BBC and Radio Free Europe. Currently, he is a regular contributor to this site in addition to two of the top gardening magazines in Canada including a Medical Marijuana magazine and also a B2B mag. He enjoys small town life in southern Tennessee where his time is spent writing, messing with plants and laughing a lot with his lovely and quick-witted wife.

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